HIPAA Business Associates – 2013 New Requirements and
Responsibilities for Compliance
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Tuesday - Mar 05, 2013 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Tuesday - Mar 05, 2013 11:30 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This webinar will highlight the changes to HIPAA HITECH act and how it affects the role and usual business practices of HIPAA business associates and what they need to do to comply with it. The importance of the business associate agreement, new enforcement penalty structure and the latest plans for audits by HHS OCR will also be discussed in this webinar.
Why Should You Attend:
HIPAA Business Associates are now covered directly under the Privacy Rule’s use and disclosure limitations and the Security Rule’s safeguard provisions, and will be responsible for their own compliance with the regulations and may be held directly liable for any violations of the regulations. The latest regulations also change such things as who is a Business Associate: now sub-contractors of Business Associates are also treated as business associates, greatly expanding the pool of entities under regulation to some that may not even be aware they have become HIPAA Business Associates. Health Information Exchanges, Regional Health Information Exchanges, and e-Prescribing gateways are also now considered to be Business Associates.
This 90-minute webinar will help health information professionals understand what they have to do, and when, and what to keep in mind about business associates as they move forward, in order to be prepared for compliance with the new regulations. It will provide a comprehensive look at the changes in the law and prepare attendees for the process of incorporating the changes into how they do business in their facilities.
- Website:
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