The Most Serious FDA 483s - How to Avoid Them
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Tuesday - Mar 05, 2013 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Tuesday - Mar 05, 2013 11:30 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This webinar on avoiding serious FDA 483s will explain FDA's changed audit focus based on recent top 483 findings and provide practical tips on how to better prepare your company's internal audit program to avoid serious Form 483 observations.
Why Should You Attend:
Recent FDA audits indicate a shift in the top serious Form 483 observations.
This webinar will evaluate the chief areas of FDA CGMP compliance audits based on recent top 483 findings to see actual and anticipated changes in emphasis, and how to better prepare with a company's internal audit program .
This 90-minute session will provide valuable assistance to all regulated companies in evaluating their existing compliance and internal audit emphasis in light of the changed FDA focus based on recent 483 analysis, and their audit "paradigm". Such analysis allows a company to evaluate/ perform a gap analysis, and then put in place the necessary fixes to ensure continuing compliance.
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