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  • Cal OSHA Inspections: What to do before, during and after

  • Hosted By:
  • ComplianceOnline
  • Start:
  • Wednesday - Jul 31, 2013 10:00 AM
  • End Time:
  • Wednesday - Jul 31, 2013 11:00 AM
  • Location:
  • Online
  • This Cal OSHA compliance training will provide you simple but powerful tools to effectively handle and manage the inspection process and also provide tips and best practices to avoid citations and penalties.

    Why Should You Attend:

    A Cal-OSHA inspection can get complicated quickly. When you consider all of the potential violations that could occur based on the almost infinite Cal-OSHA regulations, it can feel like you are already behind the power curve. Inspectors are looking much closer at Illness and Injury Prevention Plans (IIPP), Hazard Identification, Fall Protection, Heat Illness, and Training programs. Because of budget issues, fines and penalties appear to be larger.

    This training will provide the attendees a comprehensive strategy that will help them prepare for an inspection, explain what to do and not to do during the inspection, and lay out approaches for dealing with citations and penalties. The course will also discuss how to handle request for documents and provide insight into how to effectively manage the closing conference, follow-up requests, and informal settlement discussions. Attendees will also learn how to handle inspectors’ interviews with employees and how to effectively interact with inspectors.

    Areas Covered in the Webinar:

    - Overview of the Cal-OSHA inspection process
    - What triggers a Cal-OSHA inspection- serious injury, complaint, being in high hazard industry, being high hazard employer, etc.
    - How to effectively prepare and what to have in place before the inspector arrives
    - How to manage the inspection process
    - How to assure that that all employer and worker rights are honored and the required process is followed by the inspector
    - How to handle request for documents such as audits, training records, accident reports, near-miss reports
    - How to handle employee interviews
    - How to effectively dialogue and disagree with inspectors
    - Review of recent inspection focus areas by Cal-OSHA inspectors
    - What to do if the violations get nasty and when and how to find outside legal and technical assistance
  • Website:
  • Visit the website for detail info

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