G- Codes Mandatory Reporting
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Friday - Sep 13, 2013 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Friday - Sep 13, 2013 11:30 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This training on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for G-Codes will help you understand the supporting documentation needed for your G-Codes from therapy.
Why Should You Attend:
G-Codes currently are being used for data collection in order to use the information to develop a potentially new method for payment of services. The information from the G-Codes can support your claim if a Denial occurs. With the correct documentation in place, and using this to support your therapy, these will ensure that the correct therapy is provided and that your payment will not be denied.
Looking at the documentation and assessments used to establish the G-Code will allow you to support an internal audit to ensure correct services are provided. CMS does not have a list of designated assessments to be used, but they do encourage the use of standardized assessments.
Attention will be given to the documentation needed from your therapy department as well as the supportive documentation from your nursing staff. While the documentation from each department should stand on its own, the strongest documentation supports all departments.
Attend this 90 minute webinar to understand the supporting documentation needed for your G-Codes from therapy and how this documentation can support and ensure appropriate payment for the services your team provides. The need for Cross Disciplinary Documentation will be demonstrated and the benefit of this documentation will be shown.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
G-Codes – how they should be selected
What documentation is needed for them
When does this documentation occur
How to transition from 1 G code to another
How to code and document for Evaluation Only
Assessments recommended for use with G-Code
- Website:
Visit the website for detail info