Managing the Software Development Life Cycle to Produce
Regulatory Documentation (for Medical Devices)
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Tuesday - Oct 22, 2013 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Tuesday - Oct 22, 2013 11:00 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This webinar will discuss regulatory requirements for the medical device software development process and how the documentation needed for MDD technical files and for FDA submission can be developed as part of that process.
Why Should You Attend:
This webinar will cover the software development process and deliverable requirements of IEC 62304, “Medical Device Software – Software Life Cycle Processes.†It will describe a software development process that integrates the development of needed documentation with development, rather than trying to reverse engineer it.
This session will help both software developers and regulatory professionals if they understand what is required for submissions when the medical device contains software. And, if you outsource software development, it will help you manage the work performed by the developer so that you don’t have to reverse engineer the documentation by having someone read the code.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
-An overview of IEC 62304 requirements for software development processes
-Software development deliverables that are part of the medical device technical file
-FDA documentation required for premarket submissions for products containing software (IDE, 510k, PMA)
-The alignment of IEC 62304 deliverables with requirements for the content of FDA submissions
-How to make sure that outsourced software developers prepare the needed documentation
-Questions and answers
- Website:
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