Essentials of the Trial Master File for Pharmaceutical,
Biotech, Medical Device
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Thursday - Jan 23, 2014 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Thursday - Jan 23, 2014 11:30 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This training on clinical compliance will focus on the requirements of trial master file (TMF) for pharmaceutical product, biotech, a medical device or a diagnostic product. Attendees will learn the best practices to ensure that the TMF is ready for inspection by the regulatory authority.
Why Should You Attend:
The large majority of NDA and many 510(k) submissions are not submitted to the regulatory agencies in a timely manner due to issues with the Trial Master File (TMF). While clinical operations usually leads TMF efforts, staff throughout the company have responsibilities as part of the TMF, and the TMF cannot be closed until all members complete their required sections. Members of Data Management, Biostatistics, Medical Writing, CMC, Legal Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance and others have documents or sections that they must complete and should be well aware of those requirements and formats of those documents before the study starts. These requirements are in effect whether it is a large, global Phase 3 study, a 10 subject Phase 1 study or a laboratory-based diagnostics study. It is this TMF which will get reviewed upon your submission and often by different reviewers not previously involved with your program when the studies occurred. It is also this TMF which is open for regulatory agency audits so it is important that you standardize what is and what is not in the TMF and the method that is used to collect the documentation.
This webinar will focus on the required parts and order of the TMF based on the type of investigational product, whether it is a pharmaceutical product, a medical device, or a diagnostic product. Roles and responsibilities of each study team member regarding TMF documentation requirements will also be discussed.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
-The required parts and order of the TMF, specific to each industry
-How to perform continual quality assurance of the TMF to ensure early TMF closure
-Specific roles and responsibilities of each study team member regarding -TMF documentation requirements
-TMF storage and security requirements
-How to choose a TMF format – paper vs electronic or digital
-Common pitfalls in TMF documentation
-What Regulatory Agencies are looking for during TMF review
Who Will Benefit:
This webinar will provide valuable assistance to all personnel in:
-Any role within the pharmaceutical, medical device or diagnostics clinical development portion of a company who have responsibility in ensuring success of a clinical trial
-Clinical Operations personnel
-Data Management personnel
-C-level and VP-level personnel
-Regulatory Affairs
-Quality Assurance
-Legal Affairs
- Website:
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