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  • Post Market Surveillance for Medical Devices

  • Hosted By:
  • Complianceonline
  • Start:
  • Thursday - Feb 27, 2014 10:00 AM
  • End Time:
  • Thursday - Feb 27, 2014 11:30 AM
  • Location:
  • Online
  • This 90-minute webinar covers all aspects of post market surveillance (PMS) for medical devices. It will direct you to the specific documents for the detailed information you need for an effective post-market surveillance system.

    Why Should You Attend:
    Post market surveillance is changing, not only in the US, but also in the EU and Canada. New rules and regulations are emerging in the countries where the devices manufacturers market their products. The sheer volume of rules and regulations can be daunting, but the differences in each geographic market can be scary.
    This webinar explains the aspects of post market surveillance that will help you understand and implement them. The webinar explains the use of post-market surveillance in maintaining your risk management file (ISO 14971) and updating your clinical evaluation (MDD Annex X). In addition, the webinar compares and contrast the rules for adverse event reporting in the US, EU, and Canada.

    Areas Covered in the Webinar:
    -The Structure of Post Market Surveillance
    -US System
    .Complaints (QSR)
    .Medical Device Reports
    .Corrections and Removals
    -International Systems
    .Complaints (ISO 13485)
    .EU Vigilance
    .EU FSCA and FSN
    .Canada Adverse Event Reporting
    -Post Production Information Collection
    .Risk Management (ISO 14971)
    .Clinical Evaluation (MDD Annex X)

    Who Will Benefit:
    This webinar provides information that is valuable for people involved in monitoring product performance, maintaining risk management files, updating clinical evaluation, and reporting to regulatory agencies. This typically includes:
    -Quality Managers
    -Regulatory Affairs Managers
    -Risk Managers
    -Design Control Managers

    Instructor Profile:
    Daniel O Leary, is the President of Ombu Enterprises, LLC, a company offering training and execution in Operational Excellence, focused on analytic skills and a systems approach to operations management. Dan has more than 30 years experience in quality, operations, and program management in regulated industries including aviation, defense, medical devices, and clinical labs. He has a Masters Degree in Mathematics; is an ASQ certified Biomedical Auditor, Quality Auditor, Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineer, and Six Sigma Black Belt; and is certified by APICS in Resource Management.
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