The NCPDP Standards and Understanding Unique Healthcare
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Thursday - Apr 10, 2014 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Thursday - Apr 10, 2014 11:00 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This webinar on healthcare transactions and its compliance requirements will help you navigate the NCPDP standards and discuss the pitfalls you need to avoid while implementing it.
Why Should You Attend:
NCPDP standards are unique and difficult to navigate. Close attention must be paid to field lengths and requirements in order to transmit data successfully and in accord with published standards. Technical personnel as well as business analysts must be aware of the intricate workings of the field requirements and how it relates to HIPAA compliance and fruitful data exchange.
This webinar will help you understand how the separate implementation guides interact and how NCPDP data transmission is so different from X12 standards. This will help providers and healthcare data workers improve data exchange and transmission and improve the provision of healthcare to patients.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
-NCPDP guidelines
-Use of NCPDP standards
-Types of data transmitted in NCPDP format
-Compare and contrast to X12
-Role of the data analyst
-Education and Outlook
-Pitfalls and Avoidance Strategies
Who Will Benefit:
This webinar will provide valuable assistance to all personnel in medical offices, practice groups, hospitals, academic medical centers, insurers, business associates (shredding, data storage, systems vendors, billing services, etc.). The titles are:
-Data analyst
-Business analyst
-Privacy Officer
-Information Security Officer
-Information Systems Manager
-HIPAA Officer
-Chief Information Officer
-Health Information Manager
-Healthcare Counsel/lawyer
-Office Manager
-Contracts Manager
Instructor Profile:
Dr James Millar, has worked in the healthcare industry for many years, first as and IT Auditor for the Bureau of Tenncare in Tennessee, then as a Senior Business Analyst at Cigna-Healthspring. His experience ranges from all aspects of encounter and claim data, from membership and eligibility to claim balancing, and many of the primary healthcare data transactions, from 270/271, 837 P/I/D, 834, 835, as well as NCPDP claim data. He has worked as a fraud data analyst, claim data analyst and compliance expert in the healthcare industry. Prior to his work in the healthcare industry Dr Millar was an Economics instructor at both Rend Lake College and Southern Illinois University.
- Website:
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