Design Considerations for Pivotal Clinical Investigations
for Medical Devices
- Hosted By:
- Start:
- Thursday - Apr 17, 2014 10:00 AM
- End Time:
- Thursday - Apr 17, 2014 11:30 AM
- Location:
- Online
- This webinar will explain in detail the FDA guidance on design considerations for pivotal clinical investigations for medical devices. It will discuss the regulatory considerations for clinical study design, including the ways for eliminating bias and variance that may impact the quality of the data obtained in the study.
Why Should You Attend:
Each year, insufficient evidence of the safety and effectiveness of a medical device caused from incorrect study design, results in the delay or rejection of either the medical device application or studies conducted towards that application. This is very expensive for the medical device sponsor who has to do additional work or redo existing work. It is also very expensive for the FDA (or other regulatory authorities) who spend the time to review results from incorrectly designed studies.
To mitigate these issues and standardize the way industry design clinical studies, the FDA published the guidance “Design Considerations for Pivotal Clinical Investigations in Medical Devices†in late 2013. The FDA’s goal in publishing this guidance is to help device manufacturers select the appropriate trial design to:
-Better support and improves the quality of safety & effectiveness data submitted to the agency
-Lead to timelier FDA approval
-Speed patients’ access to new devices
This webinar will introduce FDA’s guidance “Design Considerations for Pivotal Clinical Investigations in Medical Devicesâ€. It will discuss the regulatory considerations for clinical study design, and will delve into the issues of bias and variance that may impact the quality of the data obtained in the study, as well as the interpretation of the data.
This webinar will also discuss ways that are available to a medical device sponsor, for eliminating bias and variance, both in terms of the study design and the requirements for the personnel that will design and run the studies. Finally, it will touch on the study protocol and statistical plan and will discuss ways to use those to ensure the success of the study.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
-The Guidance
-General Principles
-Some Principles for the Choice of Clinical Study Design
-Clinical Outcome Studies
-Diagnostic Clinical Performance Studies
-Sustaining the Quality of Clinical Studies
Who Will Benefit:
-Clinical Trial Physician / Doctor
-Manager to Senior Director of
-Regulatory Affairs
-Quality Assurance
-Clinical Research
-Data Management
-Data Monitoring
-Institutional Review Board
-Data Monitoring Committees
-Clinical Investigators
-Data Monitors
- Website:
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