There are ways to minimize expenses:
1. Buy used books from bestwebbuys, amazon, ebay, powells and also on campus. That can save you a lot of money.
2. During summer time, the student can earn at least $2,000 to save toward the next school year. If possible, the student can also take an online or site based class at a community college, that can go toward graduation each summer, which will save a bit of time and money.
I know someone's daughter attended a very small community college, and she enjoyed being able to take classes at the CC that her school didn't offer.
3. Going to in-state schools. The in-state tuition helps.
4. Working with Americorps, either during school or during a year off. This can earn money that will count toward school loans ( and loans are deferred during)
5. Some schools also have merit awards that you may not know about until you are admitted.
It sounds overwhelming, but you are not alone.
(Post #3)
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