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Monday, May 11, 2009 4:16 PM

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  • What kind of job will i find for a psy major?         

What line of business or industry can i apply in if i am going to graduate with a psychology degree?
Brandy R.
(Post #1)
3 replies

Monday, May 11, 2009 11:57 PM

Psychology major can be applied to many industries. For example, any job that requires customer service skills, analysis, legal, etc will hire people that has psychology background. Although, you might have to take other supplemental classes to support whatever field you are trying to go into, like taking business or economics as a minor to better support your resume when you are trying to look for that first job.
Cat BEC.
(Post #2)
1 reply

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:35 AM - A Reply to Cat's post (Post #2)

I agree. It will be tough to find a good paying job if you just hold a psychology degree. It's better to have a minor degree in an other area to support that major. Although many companies that are involved in the medical field, or medical research can use people with psychology degree simply because of their ability to research, familarity with statistics and writing formal reports on findings.
Zarah Owens
(Post #3)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:37 PM

You can try teaching as well. Although most accredited schools required their teachers to be certified or required to be a certain degree level (ie. Master or PHD), you can certainly search around and see.
Johnnie RIM.
(Post #4)

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