
Calculus >> Content Detail

Study Materials

Study Materials

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The following notes are supplemental to the lecture notes.

Mathematical Objects, 2-Dimensional Euclidean Geometry (E2) and 3-Dimensional Euclidean Geometry (E3), Incidence Relations, Parallelism, Congruence, Perpendicularity, Projections, Miscellaneous DefinitionsSupplementary Notes 1 (PDF)#
Parallelogram Facts in E3, Arrows and VectorsSupplementary Notes 2 (PDF)#
Cartesian Coordinate System, Triple ProductsSupplementary Notes 3 (PDF)#
Calculus of One-Variable Scalar Functions, Limits and Derivatives for Vector Functions of One Real Variable, Theorem on Unit Vector FunctionsSupplementary Notes 4 (PDF)#
Curves, Finite Paths and Finite Curves, Finding a Path for a Given Curve, Unit Tangent Vectors, Smoothness, Piecewise Smoothness, Rectifiability, Arc-Length, Unit Normal Vectors, Curvature, The Moving FrameSupplementary Notes 5 (PDF)#
Cylindrical coordinates; Defining Equations, Coordinate Surfaces, Coordinate Curves, Coordinate Vectors, and Coordinate Frames, Paths, Velocity, and Acceleration in Cylindrical Coordinates, Central-Force Motion, Angular Momentum, and Kepler's Second LawSupplementary Notes 6 (PDF)#


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