
Computational Science and Engineering I >> Content Detail



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Calculus of Several Variables (18.02) and Differential Equations (18.03) or Honors Differential Equations (18.034)


The full schedule, organized by session number. (PDF)

Course Outline

This course has three major topics:

Applied Linear Algebra

  • Second difference matrices K, T, B, C
  • Positive definiteness: pivots, eigenvalues, energy
  • ATCA framework for equilibrium problems
    • Springs and masses
    • Least squares and covariance matrix
    • Graphs, networks, Kirchhoff's laws
    • Deformation of trusses (and mesh generation)
    • Minimum principles and constraints
    • Finite elements in one dimension

Boundary Value Problems

  • Ordinary differential equations
    • Boundary conditions and delta functions
    • Dynamics: Mu'' + Ku = F(t)
    • Beam equations and cubic splines
  • Partial differential equations
    • Laplace and poisson equations
    • Divergence, gradient, and curl
    • Special solutions from (x + iy)n and f(x + iy)
    • Potential, stream function, Cauchy-Riemann equations
    • Finite differences and boundary conditions
    • Finite element method and weak form

Fourier Methods and the FFT

  • Fourier series (and orthogonal polynomials)
    • Orthogonality and Parseval's formula
    • Laplace equation on a circle
  • Discrete Fourier series
    • Fourier matrix and the fast Fourier transform
    • Convolution and filtering in signal processing
  • Fourier integral
    • Shannon sampling theorem
    • Differential equations
    • Integral equations (convolution kernel)

Assignments and Exams

This course has nine problem sets, three one-hour exams, and no final exam. You may use your textbook and notes on the exams.


The textbook for this course is:

Amazon logo Strang, Gilbert. Computational Science and Engineering. Wellesley, MA: Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780961408817. (Table of Contents)

Information about this book can be found at the Wellesley-Cambridge Press Web site, along with a link to Prof. Strang's new "Computational Science and Engineering" Web page developed as a resource for everyone learning and doing Computational Science and Engineering.


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