
Crafting Research Questions and Qualitative Methodology >> Content Detail

Calendar / Schedule


1Introduction, Student Research Interests, and Cross-cutting Methodological IssuesFirst class participation instruction
2ATurning Assumptions into Research QuestionsSecond class participation instruction
2BTurning Assumptions into Research Questions: Case Examples


Session with Prof. Merilee Grindle, Professor of International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Third class participation instruction

Short paper due
3Folding "Politics" and "Clientelism" into Planning Research - Comparative Cases
4ABureaucracies and Other Organizations: Street-level Bureaucrats, Front-line Workers
4BBureaucracies and Other Organizations: Mixing the Politics and the Management of Cities


Session with Prof. J. Phillip Thompson, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT
4CBureaucracies and Other Organizations: Variables Driving Organizational Behavior - From Within and Without


Session with Prof. Michael Piore, Economics / Political Science, MIT
5Past First-year-paper Examples - Sessions with Authors
6Country and Subnational Comparisons - Lessons for Research


Sessions with Prof. Richard Locke, Political Science, MIT, and Professor Richard Snyder, Political Science, Brown University
7Uncertainty, Bounded Rationality, and "Satisficing"

Session on MIT authorization for research involving interviewing, with the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects.
Short paper due
8Interpreting Duplication, Overlap, and Lack of Inter-agency CoordinationDraft of final paper due
9Interviewing: First and Follow-up Questions, etc.Paper review assignment due
10Discussions of Draft First-year Paper Proposals
11Last ClassFinal paper due


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